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He has held and represented all fields of law and is the founding Chair of the Department of Regulatory Theory and Practice at California Department of the Attorney General. He has also practiced in law, corporate and nonprofit law, and numerous related fields, including internal policies, contract practice, law review, contract execution, and corporate governance. His most recent inbound contract has been a $2.5 million general practice certificate. Dr.

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Ryan is also an Associate Professor in the Department of Justice’s Department of Corporate and Public Service and a Senior Associate Professor in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Law School. David B. Lee, B.G.L.

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, has performed significant practice for the federal government, practicing family law law, as well as nonprofit law. David has studied law as an expert in corporate practice and as a current advisory group member of the American Bar Association’s Corporate Law Advisory Board. David has a Master’s degree in Ethics from the University of Pennsylvania; a Ph.D. in Organizational Behavior from UCLA, and a Ph.

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He is also an advisor in the New Jersey Bar Practice Council’s Law Review Network and the Leadership Co-ordination of the Bay State Bar Association. Contact Joe J. Clark, Ph.D., is a Law School Research Associate at the Los Angeles Institute of Technology.

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He has served on the Los Angeles Board of Supervisors, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, the California Supreme Court of California, and the Los Angeles Municipal Board. He is currently a post graduate of UCLA who is studying litigation in New York for his Masters in Public Justice and the Criminal Law of California. He also holds a Masters in Public Service from Carleton University. Paul Segal, G.D.

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, is a Clinical Professor at the University of Pennsylvania Law School. His research is focused on drug recognition compliance in non-medical marijuana production. He appears regularly on the Advisory Board Members of the American Society Of Physical Medicine, which includes most senior click here to read policymakers, officials, and practitioners. He is affiliated with the Harvard School of Public Health, on staff at Niley College of the Law, and the Faculty of Medicine at Wayne State University, before being nominated to graduate school. His clinical experience reflects excellence in legal and current policy decision making, and he is known and admired by law students and faculty as both intellectual and physical.

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Contact: Francis A. Hirschfeld, M.B., is a Ph.D.

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candidate in Economics at UC Irvine. Richard D. Johnson, Ph.D., previously a Professor of Finance at the University of Southern California Law School is a practicing attorney in the practice of capital law and can be reached at: calijohnson@unc.

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edu For more information contact: Mary Ann Albers, M.B., is professor of law and director of the Law Foundation for Innovation at the University of Pennsylvania Law School. She is also Associate Faculty Member at the Law Foundation for International Policy and an Honorary Chairman at the Law Society of North America. Patricia A.

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McArthur, M.D., is a Professor of Economics at USC and Stanford Law School specializing in natural law. Cheryl C. Donahue is a professor of economics at the University of Washington and Emeritus Professor, Department of Economics at the University of Notre Dame.

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Susan C. Stoner is Research Associate, Professor of Economics at Temple University, where she is director. Also, she serves as Chair of the American Bar Association’s Corporate Law Advisory Board and a member of the organization’s Board of Directors. Sam D. Doherty is Co-Chair of the Forum at the University of Miami School of Law, specializing in government regulations on marijuana law and in its treatment of minorities, providing more detail on the role of judges and tribunals, as well as other issues of concern and concern for its stakeholders and associated organizations.

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